Sunday, November 10, 2013

The finished Thorin Oakenshield costume

Sorry for the delay, we've had some serious cold and flu issues going on here and since November 1 I have been actively writing for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month - 50,000 words in one month!).  Football is finally over for my daughter so we should be able to get back in the swing of things with the close of the month.  I have noticed, thanks to my rather observant children, that we do more things that we could post about - the cookie "cakes" I did for the football team, minor projects and helpful hints that make our lives easier.  I will do my best to be more diligent about this in the future, perhaps a "catch up post" to drop some of those things all at once.  Anyway, the name of this post is Thorin Oakenshield and that is what I want to deliver.  It was a rather crappy day here when we went trick-or-treating so the picture quality is not what I would have liked but it happens.  So, without further delay....