Saturday, February 22, 2014

It's CON season!

OOOOOHHH!  It is that time of the year again!  We love Convention Season in this household.  This year will be our best year yet!  We are actually going to do the FAN thing at Wizard World in Louisville this year as we found out that Matt Smith (the 11th Doctor!) will be there! I surprised my kids with tickets and we will be there one day and one day only in our Doctor Who costumes so look for those pictures!!

Wait!  I should tell you what we are doing!  My son is going to use his Halloween costume and go as the 10th Doctor (he loves it, what can I say?).  It actually fits him better now than it did in this pic but you get the idea.

My daughter has opted to go as River Song.   This is the outfit we are replicating for her:

I am not complaining as most of her outfit is already in her wardrobe (I just need to get her a white blouse which I am NOT making myself) and I need to make her belt and holster.

Now me.  The kids chose my costume and I have to confess that I love it.  I am working hard on making something unique and I think it will be fantastic once I am done.  What did they choose?  Let me give you a hint:

I am sure you all want pictures and I would love to show them, but as River Song always says "Spoilers!"  Stay tuned.  Our first Con is at the end of March!