Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Things we've learned...

It's been a while, I know and I feel guilty about it.  We moved, school started, I started working full time again, my daughter was playing football and crafting took a back burner...but we've still been busy.  So, some things we've learned in the last few months:

1. Not all laminate furniture can be repainted as we are two for three on the furniture repaints.  The desk and file cabinet came out fantastically but the bookshelf turned out so-so.  (Pictures will be posted soon)

2. While it is often said that women/girls change their minds frequently I would argue that boys can be just as (if not more) infuriating when arriving at a decision on Halloween costumes.  (Final decision: the 10th Doctor)

3.  No matter how awesome a costume idea is, the completion of the costumes can become pricey so be prepared to make some concessions.  (Just wait until you see the finished Thorin Oakenshield for my daughter).

4. There is this amazing site that I have just been introduced to that is my new guilty pleasure... Craftsy.  Say hello to patterns, online classes, and project ideas galore - some of the patterns are even FREE!

5. There are so many amazing ways to inexpensively decorate a home and bring a cohesive design out of next to nothing.  I will be do a breakdown of our new living room space though in many ways it is still a work in progress.

6.  You actually can have too many paper towel and toilet paper rolls for projects.  (I promise, we have two plastic drawers overflowing with blank ones and I have a dozen new figures on my craft table....from Dr. Who to a Dalek to some random "people" my kids created).

7.  The new show, Sleepy Hollow, is fantastic and I cannot wait until the kids are old enough to watch it because I LOVE the mythology involved!

8.  If there were a way to add more hours to a day, I would because there is never enough time to craft or write or just snuggle with my kids.  I do work very had to fit in that last one wherever and whenever I can.  Life is too short and they grow up too fast.

Stay tuned, we will have pictures soon...but I will be at a convention for work the next three days!

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